If you are making a serious business decision or thinking about complicated, unique management tasks, my consulting services can help you.
Any business or organization faces different challenges on its way. Many of them are familiar and understandable. The majority of such complex tasks are the basis of the company’s work. However, there are situations where the business has never been before, their root causes are not always transparent or a solution is not clear. In such situations, consulting services come to the aid – this is what I have been specializing in for years. My job is to help you get rid of such obstacles, and give a fresh impetus to further growth.
Table of Contents
Formats and Ways of Consulting Services
In my practice, there were various wordings of difficulties: loss of growth dynamics, a contradictory polarity of the development paths under consideration, uncertainty with the team, or just need an outside and unbiased opinion on a pressing issue. So many people, so many different ways to describe their concerns. My services help to clearly identify the sources of problems and create a unique recipe that is suited to your business.
Most of the time, my work starts with diagnostics. Sometimes it requires only a brief discussion, and sometimes a separate project is much more appropriate. It happens that the diagnostic results are useful and applicable even without further involvement of a consultant, when the company independently finds ways to solve well-structured tasks and challenges. Often, they become a road map for business development and a basis for subsequent strategic changes.
If you have already formulated future changes, it may be necessary to support them. In this case, I help, first of all, to carefully plan the upcoming transformation. Next, it needs to be articulated precisely, conducted in a coordinated manner and, if necessary, adjusted the change process on its way to bring it to its expected completion – I have a great experience with that as well.
The transformation process usually requires new or revised management tools, improved methods and adapted structures. It’s best practice to prepare them in advance, before you start making changes. In this case, I will help you design, develop, create methods and tools, as well as implement, link and integrate them during the transformation.
Sometimes you need to find a strategy, develop a balanced scorecard, set up strategic management or implement a complex project that does not have a name yet and you still have quite a general idea about its scope. These are my most interesting and favourite tasks. If they require a close-knit team of experienced professionals, you can count on “Acumen Partners”, a consulting firm founded by me in 2009.
The formats and ways of providing consulting services can vary – send me a message so we can discuss the most suitable for your tasks.
Applicability of Consulting Services
In the life of any organization, as in the life of a person, there is a constant movement from birth to maturity. Moving through the stages of life, slowly flowing from one state to another, the business constantly meets various challenges that require solutions for its confident existence.
Understanding not only the situation in which your business is, but also the stage of its development, allows you to be as accurate as possible in the diagnosis of the root causes of problems. Understanding the causes is the only possible way to properly formulate and plan tasks. Summarizing the different points of view on the development of business and organizations, you can confidently distinguish three main stages:
- Formation of business – startups, launching a new product on the market, starting a new business line, creating a new business from scratch.
- Business development – new strategy to be found and implemented, strategic management development, corporate reorganization and organizational changes.
- Transformation of business – including the emergence of new business lines, adding new companies, adjustment of operations, implementation of changes in business processes, a new approach to asset portfolio management.
At each stage, there are tasks that require more attention than others do. The right emphasis on the flow of tasks makes your business easier. It is the understanding of the situation that allows you to get the expected results, and often exceeding the expectations. Taking into account the peculiarities of your business development, influences the choice of methods and tools, which makes my services significantly more accurate, which as a result can bring more value.
Types of Consulting Services
For more than a century of its existence, management consulting has generated an infinite number of methods, tools and approaches to business management. Some of them have been adapted and become standard – they can be found in almost every company. Some of them have become obsolete and have fallen into oblivion. At the same time, actual and newly emerging tools, methods and approaches are, in one way or another, traditionally represented by various standard consulting services. This generates an unimaginable range of all kinds of such offers.
How would you comprehend, which services do you need? What can be useful in your particular situation? The best solution is to discuss your situation and goals with an experienced consultant. However, if you need to navigate through a variety of services, it may be useful to look at their spectrum through the lens of your situation.
From my point of view, to help owners, executives and management meet the challenges at each stage of business development (see previous section), consulting services can be combined, quite conventionally, into three groups.
For the stage
Formation of a Business

If You Are
- Entrepreneur,
- Head of new business line,
- Startuper
- starting a new business
- developing a new business line
- launching a new product or service
- entering a new market or territory
- seeking advice or criticism of his ideas
Glance at “Consulting & Advising” services
For the stage
Development of a Business

If You Are
- Owner or
- Director of a mid-sized business
- looking for solutions to the company’s growth problems
- thinking about business strategy
- fighting for profitability and cost control
- working on a growing business structure
Take a look at “Business Consulting” services
For the stage
Transformation of a Business

If You Are
- Shareholder,
- Board Director,
- Executive in an Enterprise,
- making strategic decisions
- thinking about a long-term growth of the corporation
- working on operational performance
- looking for a formula for an optimal structure
Explore “Management Consulting” services
*The matter of dividing the services into “Consulting & Advising”, “Business Consulting” and “Management Consulting” is rather arbitrary and merely serves the purpose of more accurately focusing typical consulting services for a business on its different stages.
Of course, the challenges that the business is constantly facing are much broader and more diverse than the set of services on this page. I have had the opportunity to assist a wide variety of people and organizations. Consulting services for large holding companies and for medium-sized businesses are different in nature and work composition. Depending on your current point of the endeavour, my help may be various. The amazing power of management consulting is not in using standard recipes, but in identifying the problem correctly and accurately as well as finding a unique applicable solution to your specific situation.
Unique Requirements and Non-Trivial Tasks?
If your plans are larger and wider than typical, standard sets of services – it’s great! Such formulation of the question I appreciate very much. One of the things I have learned over the years of consulting practice is that there is no one single solution suitable for everyone.
I like to work with demanding clients. Because you are obsessed with what you do, what you create and rarely are satisfied with your results. You focus on results that outperform the competition and need to be unique. Getting you unique results is my favourite challenge!
The best way to solve a non-standard problem is to create a solution that works for you. Only in a dialogue with an experienced consultant, it is possible to take into account all the nuances of your situation and choose the right tools. In the conversation, we will be able to specify the desired outcomes and formulate the most effective way to them according to your expectations.
In any case, our cooperation may take various forms. If you need a hand of an experienced consultant – just let me know – and I assure you, an elegant and effective solution will be found!
My Approach to Consulting Services
My experience says that the best way to solve serious management problems in a successful and qualitative manner is to create a unique combination of tools and methods for a particular problem or situation. As a rule, I carefully select and adapt methods and tools for a specific task, taking into account the nuances of your situation and your expectations for outcomes.
Constantly seeking the latest scientific advances, I use international best management practices. Dozens of successful projects allow me to adapt management technologies to local realities confidently and subtly, taking into account the specifics of doing business both in the country and in a particular region.
In any case, our cooperation can take various forms. Combining a unique recipe for a particular problem or situation is one of my major advantages. If you need a hand of an experienced consultant, just let me know.
And I assure you, an elegant and effective solution to your problem will be found!
What Are the Advantages for You?
- Experience and knowledge – you only need to describe the problem: participation in a large number of different projects allows me to identify problems confidently, and multiple international methods, based on best management practices and adapted to local realities, help in solving the outlined range of problems.
- Flexibility and accuracy – you only need to convey your expectations once: I am alien to template solutions, I know how to fine-tune management technologies for local realities and, if necessary, in addition to a small number of my experienced colleagues, I always engage the most appropriate professionals in the team for a particular case.
- Reliability and quality – you only need to know my contacts: I speak on my own behalf, personally shake hands when meeting and signing a contract, type answers to your questions and accept thanks for my work.
I am glad to share my experience and help you better realize your full potential in the process of achieving your goals with typical or unique consulting services.
Need a hand of an experienced professional? Our collaboration can take various forms. Just send me a message so we can start working on your tasks today!
My work has already helped
to improve management in companies in 11 countries, operating in 137 cities

The Clients Are Saying:
Vitaly’s opinion sometimes dissonates with our well-established ideas, but he knows how to be very convincing
Besides the impeccable content of the study, I would like to note a vivid and convincing presentation of the results. Impressive!
Excellent response to suggestions and comments in the course of the project and an in-depth knowledge of the “Strategy Development” theme. Much was beyond my expectations.
In the project “Strategic Management Design and Implementation” it is especially worth mentioning Vitaly’s commitment, despite the external circumstance. All promises were fulfilled timely and in full. Even a bit more!
We are grateful for the high-quality and honest work and looking forward to new cooperation!
In the “Strategy development” project, the result exceeded expectations in terms of depth and quality. Professionally done work!
The results delivered actually exceeded the required scope: we received a greater degree of detail on the criteria and a more complete list in the questionnaires. The result exceeded our expectations.
I can’t help but praise Vitaly’s determination. The project has always returned on its way to the planned results, despite all the objective difficulties.
Working with Vitaly is comfortable and productive
The consistency and persuasiveness of Vitaly’s actions helped us to carry out a difficult and complex business reorganization without complications. We learn first hand how much a solid experience in a transformation means.
Your musical tastes are so-so, but your vision is impressive, complex and has a long horizon.
Strategic changes are always a challenge. With Vitaly’s participation, we felt confident in their implementation.
Apparently, Vitaly’s experience in the Norton-Kaplan’s company was not in vain. The developed Balanced Scorecard facilitated greatly our long-term management and mobilized leadership.
Thanks to Vitaly, we began to manage the company strategically
We have made organizational changes faster and more efficiently than expected from the start. Everything was very professional.
In developing and implementing the Balanced Scorecard, all the work was done in good faith. Our expectations were either met or exceeded.
Our project was not typical, as it focused on criteria for evaluating the strategic process in a broad context. We are quite satisfied with the result. We received all the information we needed.
Vitaly’s excellent quality is his ability to become quickly integrated into the team and look at the company from the inside, which allows him to achieve maximum results in the task at hand.
Vitaly really knows how to solve complex business problems!
The consistency and persuasiveness of Vitaly’s actions helped us to carry out a difficult and complex business reorganization without complications. We learn first hand how much a solid experience in a transformation means.